Eligibility Criteria

1. The following Types of member shall constitute The Society:

(a) Honorary member

(b) Members:

  1. Active Life Member
  2. Affiliated Life Member

(c) Associate member

The term 'Members' hereinafter used shall refer to Group (b) namely i.e., Active Life Member and Affiliated Life Member only.

2. Admission:

Admission to Membership will be granted by the General body on the Recommendation of One BSS Active Life member and One Executive Committee member and approval of the Executive Committee, by a simple majority of the members present, subject to the eligibility provisions for each category defined in the subsequent clauses of this Article against an Application fee as decided by the Executive Committee during that year.

3. Eligibility, Conferment, Obligations, Rights & Privileges:

(A) Honorary Member:


1. Any Eminent person, not necessarily A Spine surgeon, from India or abroad who has made significant contributions to the cause of Spine Care.

2. Who has been recommended by the Executive Committee (recommendation from the EC to clearly mention the claim to eminence and the contribution to the cause of Spine Care) shall be considered eligible for admission to Honorary Membership.

3. To be confirmed by the General Body Meeting.

4. Not more than 2 members will be granted Honorary membership per year.


1. On receiving the recommendations of the EC, the General Body Meeting shall adopt a resolution recommending the Conferment of Honorary Membership.

2. The admission to Honorary Membership would thereafter be carried out as a formal ceremonial function with the presentation of a scroll duly signed by the President and all members of the Executive Committee preferably during the annual conference of the Society.

Right & Privileges:

1. Honorary Membership will confer a lifelong privilege to participate as an honored guest in the scientific and cultural activities of the Society without having to pay any Registration fee.

2. However, he would not have a right to vote or would not be allowed to hold a post of an office bearer.

(B).1. Active Life Member:


1. An Orthopaedic / Neurosurgeon who has obtained recognized (by MMC or MCI) post-graduate qualification in Orthopaedic / Neurosurgery, Minimum 3 years Post MS Ortho / DNB (Ortho) / Mch (Neurosurgery) and who is actively involved in the practice of Spine Care and constitutes major share of their work in Spine care as per Self declaration.

2. Who is duly proposed and seconded in the Application form by One Life Member of the Society and One Executive Committee member.

3. Whose name, after proper scrutiny, is re commended by the Executive Committee shall be considered eligible to be admitted as a Life Member.

4. Should be A Resident of MMR on Day of Application.


1. On the General Body Meeting approving of the admission, the Secretary shall convey the decision of the General Body to the aspirant.

Obligations: A Life Member shall:

1. Pay the appropriate subscription at time of admission as decided from time to time would be enforced.

2. Maintain an abiding interest in Spine Surgery and Care.

3. Observe high standard of medical ethics and behavior; and

4. Uphold the objectives, the dignity, and the traditions of the Society.

Rights & Privileges: A Life Member shall be entitled to

1. Participate in all activities of the Society.

2. Constitute the Business / General Body together with the other Members.

3. Vote at a business meeting on any issue but particularly in matters pertaining to election of office bearers, accounts and financial matters, admission to membership, termination of membership, amendment to the Rules & Regulations, fixing of subscription etc.

4. Contest the election to the Executive Committee (Subject to the provisions of relevant articles).

5. Membership and privileges resulting from the affiliation of the Society to various International Bodies.

6. Receive the journal (If any), newsletter and other publications on such payment as may be decided by the Society.

(B). 2. Affiliated life member:

Eligibility & Conferment:

An Orthopaedic / Neurosurgeon practicing abroad, who is duly proposed and seconded by a 'Member' and after scrutiny of the proposal, is recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Body shali, on payment of prescribed dues, be admitted as an Affiliated Life Member.

Right & Privileges: An Affiliated Member shall be entitled to:

1. Participate in all activities of The Society.

2. Participate in the Business Meeting / General Body Meeting together with the other Members.

3. Membership and privileges resulting from the affiliation of The Society to various International Bodies.

4. Receive the journal and other publications on such payments as decided by The Society.

5. Pay necessary admission fees as decided from time to time by general body.

6. However, an Affiliated Member will not be entitled to contest for elections to the Executive Committee of The Society.

7. Should an Affiliated Member decide to settle in India, he would be a Life Member in India. On intimating to The Society, His intention to become a Resident Indian, will be admitted by the General Body to the Life Membership of The Society.

(C) Associate Member:

Eligibility & Conferment:

Postgraduate's trainees or students in Orthopaedic / Neurosurgery,

Members of Medical and paramedical profession interested in care of Spine patients, who are duly proposed and seconded by a member of The Society and recommended for admission by the Executive Committee shall be eligible for Associate Membership.

Obligations: An Associate Member shall:

1. Pay the appropriate subscription as decided from time to time.

2. By their conduct, behavior, and character, uphold the high traditions and dignity of The Society.

Right & Privileges: The Associate Life Member will be entitled to:

1. Participate in all scientific & cultural activities of The Society.

2. To receive the journal and other publications of The Society on such payments as may be decided upon from time to time.

Associate Life Members shall not be entitled to:

3. Participate in Business or General Body meeting, or

5. Contest for elections to the Executive Committee.

6. They shall not have the membership right and privileges resulting from the affiliation of The Society to various International Bodies.

4. Termination of Membership:

1. If it shall appear to the EC that the conduct of a member is or has at any time been, prejudicial to The BSS and or the objects for which it was formed and exists, the EC shall have power to suspend his membership until the next Annual General Meeting following such suspension.

2. Notice of a proposal to suspend a member's membership under this clause shall be given to such Member at least 14 days before the meeting at which the same is to be considered.

3. He would be invited at the EC Meeting for explanation and any resolution to suspend a Member's membership shall be void and not effective unless passed by two-thirds of the Members present at such a meeting, voting and casting their votes validly.

4. The suspension by the EC of Member shall be intimated to all the Members present at the Annual General Meeting following the date of suspension.

5. Furthermore, the President shall explain why the EC ordered the suspension.

6. Any member present at the Annual General Meeting concerned may then propose that the suspended Member's membership be terminated. If another member seconds this proposition, the President shall then call for the nomination and seconding of two tellers. This done, the President shall put the proposition to the members at the Annual General Meeting who shall vote by ballot. The resolution shall be void and of no effect unless passed by two - thirds of the Members present at the Annual General Meeting voting and casting their votes validly.

7. If the proposition is carried, the President shall give notice to the suspended member terminating his / her membership of the BSS within 10 days following the date of the Annual General Meeting and such member shall forthwith cease to be a Member of the BSS.

8. If the proposition is not passed by the two-third majority, the member shall be notified of His non-termination of the membership within 10 days.

Membership Benefits


  • Associate yourself with colleagues from the city of Mumbai.

Leadership Opportunities

  • Members are eligible to serve on committees in areas of education, fellows teaching program, research, and more…

Professional Education

  • BSSCON Annual meeting is a focus gathering of spine surgeons who meet yearly to discuss latest research and surgical techniques. It is a great opportunity to learn and keep oneself updated.
  • Take part in quarterly meetings (4 every year) for case discussions.

Important Notice:

  • Please attach photocopies of MS (Orth) / D. Orth pass certificate, Medical Council Registration certificates & 2 passport sized pictures along with this form.
  • Signature of 2 Life Members along with their membership number is mandatory. Otherwise you will Not be considered for membership.

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