Dear Colleagues,

Coming in the wake of the enormously successful ASSICON 2024, my nomination to the Presidency of The Bombay Spine Society - the oldest, the largest, and arguably the best city spine chapter in India, is a great honour. My heartfelt gratitude to all of you for the trust and confidence that you have placed in me.

Over the next two years, until BSSCON 2026, my team hopes to build upon the excellent work done by the outgoing team led by BSS President, Dr Ketan Badani and BSS Secretary, Dr Satyen Mehta. Our goal is to strengthen the academic program of the BSS and initiate more outreach programs with a view to showcase the enormous young talent within the BSS. Initiating goal oriented multi-centric research within the BSS is also a long cherished dream.

The BSS calendar for the calendar year 2024 includes a Foundation Day dinner on 30th March, the BSSCON 2024 from June 21 to 23 and the quarterly clinical meetings. A new entrant on the calendar are the monthly Resident & Fellow’s Spine training webinars starting February 8 onwards. I look forward to the entire BSS participating in all these programs, especially the young brigade. My motto for the BSS, borrowed from the ASSI anthem is “We are all doing it, let's do it better !”

Long live BSS

Dr. Gautam Zaveri
President, BSS

© Bombay Spine Society. 2021

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