As an incoming secretary of the Bombay spine society, I stand on the shoulders of giants. It is a privilege to serve this august and vibrant organization.

In a few short years, we have come a long way. The society has organized international events giving it an international flair. The marquee events of the Bombay Operative Spine Course and the Annual BSS meeting continue to be well attended. These have benefit the members and trainees alike.

Our organising team this year has planned to take BSS to greater heights. We are revamping the website in addition to making many educational events such as case of the month, journal club, etc, accessible to everyone. We will also prioritize spreading educational material that will help the patients suffering from spinal ailments. Our outreach and social work committees are also working to improve spine care to the underserved regions of the state and the country.

With the worst of the Covid pandemic behind us, we feel energized to contribute to the academic and educational activities while adhering to our social commitment of providing spine care to all.

Dr. Satyen Mehta
Secretary, BSS

© Bombay Spine Society. 2021

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